After church we headed home to quickly get off our hot church clothes and into some more comfortable attire. My fellow volunteer friend Crystal came over this afternoon and we had some good limin time. Limin is what Americans consider hanging out, but here it typically happens in a rum shop or on the porch; we chose the porch. We enjoyed some beautiful weather and had great conversation. Just what we both needed for our first holiday away.
My host mom promised me a great Easter dinner and i got just that. Crystal, Miss June and i gathered around the kitchen and began preparing chicken, vegetables and potatoes. Its amazing how cooking can bring people so close. Miss June told us about the invasion, Hurricane Ivan and her family history. She tells stories that use so much imagery that it seems as if your there. I also learned some GREAT recipes i cant wait to show people back home. I'm gonna be the next Rachel Ray-Grenada style when i get off this island. Watch out Food Network! After preparing baked chicken, stirfry, pineapple potatoes and fried plantains we sat down as a family and had a great supper! I was so happy to sit around a table and converse over a great meal, just like i would do back in the States.
Happy Easter to everyone! I miss and love you all!
Me and Crystal posing!
Fried Plantain and Pineapple Potatoes
learning the ropes of the kitchen
Miss June
Amazing stirfry
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