There is a notorious question every Peace Corps Volunteer has been asked: Why did you join the Peace Corps? For some people, its a matter of who you're talking to in regards to how you respond. But for the most part, I don't find this a hard question to answer.
But there is one question I have been asked recently that I've really put some deep thought into, partially because I'm not sure I know the extent of the answer yet.
Why would you move to another country to help other people when there are so many people that need help in America, especially children?Rather then ramble on for paragraph after paragraph (which I can do, see previous posts), I find it more fitting to outline my response in bullet format. This gives me an opportunity to clarify broad examples and you easier reading.
1. Needed change. I have helped the children of America for the last 5 years of my life and plan to for the rest of my being. I dedicated countless hours and poor paying jobs while going to school in order to help the children not only in my community, but the surrounding communities. If you work anywhere around kids you would realize that its easy to get burnt out doing one particular job constantly for an extended period of time. I came to a point in my "career" where I found I needed something more, something that not only lets me help children but lets me explore myself in a deeper sense.
2. Exploring another culture. This one was a big selling point for me, as I come from a very conservative Midwestern culture. There isn't much diversity whether it be religiously, ethnically or economically. I always knew from a young age there was something more to this world than small town Missouri living. I mean that in the most kind hearted way as well; people who know me will tell you just how much I love my roots. But I came to a point in my life where I needed to see whats out there for myself with a new sense of independence and open mindedness. I want to know how other people live, how much Americans take for granted and see for myself how my own bias and judgements come into play.
3. Opening new doors. The Peace Corps experience is something that you cant fully comprehend unless you are a fellow PCV, but that doesn't mean I cant share my experience with others. I find that removing myself from American culture, going to a foreign land with foreign people to bring about new ideas was my opportunity to advance my personal and professional development. The things I'm learning in Grenada are invaluable and something I can take back to the States and use for years to come. Im trying new approaches to old ideas, presenting new ideas to old hearts and creating positive change for the advancement of all. That's something I can bring back to the States and use for the American children, advancing our own child welfare. I would be fooling you if I said I wasn't bringing back valuable knowledge to help the children of America.
4. Empowerment. Not only of myself, but Grenadians, women, children, Americans and men alike. To be given the opportunity to take my American education and bring it to Grenada gives me the opportunity to empower people of a developing third world country to strive for excellence. Most Grenadians have family in the States, families who are working in America and paying taxes in America. They are part of our culture and trying to live the American dream and maybe even getting an American education. Its a cycle my people. If I can empower ONE single person to see the hope and possibility in this world then I have done my job. If I can make one mother realize prostituting her children isn't worth it, or see one child learn to read, or watch as a mother walks away from an abusive husband...then I've done my job here. Its the beauty of grassroots work.
5. Serving my country. Last but not least certainly, I feel honored to be able to serve my country in a PEACEFUL way. If more attention was paid to building relationships with people from other countries, understanding their culture and respecting their customs, I can PROMISE we wouldn't be in a single war. Greg Mortenson is a mentor of mine and someone I have come to deeply respect through his writings in 'Three Cups of Tea' and 'Stones into Schools'. He promotes peace through understanding and respect, educating young women and building sustainable projects in the Middle East. People like him and programs like the Peace Corps build sustainable, respectful and PEACEFUL relationships with host countries and ultimately achieve more then guns and camo ever will. Don't get me wrong, I love our troops and support them completely (I have friends serving now), but I find going about change in a peaceful manner is much more productive for everyone involved.
I may continue to add to this list as my service continues. Its hard to believe I can answer this question after just 6 short months here. But I still think this list isn't complete, there is more to this story...