Right now is the peak of mango season (avocado being the next), so it was fitting for the festival today, but I have NO IDEA there were so many variations of mangoes. At least 10 different kinds of mangoes from babies to large cantaloupe size. Now I have a couple mangoes trees in my yard and one fair game tree at the bus stop. I always assumed there were two kinds: stringy and not stringy. Makes sense right? One gets stuck in your teeth for days and one doesn't. Guess which I choose?
I saw some strange creations made from mangoes too: mango pizza, mango ketchup, mango cheese and fried mangoes. Some of the more normal inventions were: mango nectar, mango pie, mango cheesecake, mango ice cream (i tried this one, duh!), mango rum, mango crumb cake and mango popsicles.
Overall, it was a very mango-y day. Hung out with some awesome kids from another volunteers summer camp, got some delicious mango ice cream and paid my water bill! SUCCESS!
Miss you all,