The first week of December in Grenada is packed tight with school fairs. Its an opportunity for the children and families to have a kid-friendly environment that is fun and safe for all. But its also the largest fundraiser of the year for the schools around the island. Fundraiser for what you may ask? Sadly...the basics. Pens, pencils, notebooks, markers, etc for the teachers and students. The kids LOVE school fair with the various game booths, plenty food and blaring loud music. They wear their best outfits and bring all their coins they can round up around the house. This year I think the school fair was a big success and we raised a good amount of money to support the children through the rest of the year.
This tent was set up as the "Pick a leaf" prize table. The kids paid 3 dollars to pick a leaf off the tree. The leaf had a number on it and that number determined which set of prizes they got to chose from. The kids LOVED picked the leaves and then getting to chose exactly the prize they wanted.
Mr. Kentish, a new student in our school this year. He is a handful but this smile is so precious. He was enjoying his third cup of soda. Bless his parents hearts. haha.
No Grenadian event is complete without loads and loads of fried chicken. I helped take the money for this table and by my 8th hour of saying 7 dollars for chicken and chips, I was OVER chicken. :)
The beauty salon table, where you could get your nails and makeup done for just 3 dollars. It was a popular one amongst the aspiring beauty queens.
Face painting was awesome this year because they got rid of me! haha. They recruited some art students from the local community college and they did excellent. Don't mind Ms. Kaylah, she wasn't interested in her picture being taken.
This is my counterpart, Ms. Mitchell, who doubled as the fried chicken and chips master for the fair.
Tymickie (tuh-my-kee), who had about 4 ice cream cones and enjoyed every single one. :)
Shardina and her beautiful face painting.
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