"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined." --Henry David Thoreau

"Service is the rent we pay for being, It is the very purpose of life and not something you do in your spare time."

--Marion Wright Edelman

"The fruit of love is SERVICE. The fruit of service is PEACE" --Mother Teresa

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy 4th and Random Thoughts

I hope all of my American friends had an enjoyable Independence Day. I have to say I was quite down in the dumps the entire day because the 4th is one of my favvvvvvvvvorite holidays. It ranks up there with Halloween. But, thankfully the world gave me a sinus infection/head cold to keep me in bed all day yesterday and today, not allowing my mind to wander to hotdogs, beer and blowing shit up. The world works in mysterious ways huh?

Since I'm currently overdosing on vitamins, eating every pill in the Peace Corps med kit and blowing my nose constantly, I have found some time to catch up on some good ole reading on my new Kindle (thanks mom!). That thing is so cool. I feel like the cold meds are talking on this post, you agree? ok whatever.

Casey Anthony??? Seriously....what. the. hell. Apparently we can all just dispose of our children if we want to party instead, ask some camera crews to film the whole thing and then get off free of charge. Shame on the justice system.

Ok, thats all. Hope you all are having a great week. Send your positive thoughts my way, I need them to fight this wicked cold.


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