"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined." --Henry David Thoreau

"Service is the rent we pay for being, It is the very purpose of life and not something you do in your spare time."

--Marion Wright Edelman

"The fruit of love is SERVICE. The fruit of service is PEACE" --Mother Teresa

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Sports Day!

Last week I got my first dose of sports day. This time last year I missed the event because we were in training and I wasn't able to attend, so getting to see it first hand this year was exciting. My students have been practicing their marching and running for weeks now (with little learning involved), so the anticipation was growing quickly.

There are no organized school sports teams here in Grenada. That would cost alot of money, which we don't have. Instead, once a year during second term, schools hold a school sports day. On this day the kids of the school compete in track races against each other, trying to determine the best running in each event. Once the winners of the school are determined they are comprised into a school team that will compete on one day against all the schools in the rest of the parish.
St. Pauls Govt School March Past

Go girls go!

So after determining the best runners for St. Paul's Govt School, we officially had our track team ready to compete. I had an old coach from back in the day (Am I really that old to be saying that?) that offered to send some old track uniforms to our school and we were ecstatic to receive them. With the kind donation from Carl Junction High School of NEW (to us) track uniforms the kids were extremely excited. They have been laid out in the school office for weeks now, and just about everyday I hear "Miss, when do we get to wear these?"
They are so excited to be in "new" uniforms

so, last week, every school from the parish of St. George's met at the National Stadium to compete against each other, every school bringing their best runners. St. Paul's Govt had the BEST looking runners of course, complete with shiny new uniforms to show off to all the other schools. I heard from many people how awesome they looked in them. :)

Shem and Raydona are ready to run!

An important part of the track meet is the March Past, which is at the start of the meet. Each school practices for weeks (again, with little school work accomplished) to make sure their march is perfect. As you will see in the pictures attached, its similar to military style marching, but there are judges who determine which school had the best march past. This year, our school placed 6th out of 13 schools, which I hear is very good for us. I thought the kids did a great job!

Overall our school placed 7th in the track meet, with one of our female runners setting a new record for the 80m 15 and under race. I think the kids showed great pride in having the new uniforms this year and seemed to be extra confident in their running. I cant begin to thank Carl Junction High School enough for the uniforms, but I think the pictures do it justice in proving how important they were to the kids. New things don't come often around here, so when they do, it brings a sense of pride and happiness that can only be understood seeing it first hand, but know when I say this...they were so proud of themselves.


  1. Mackenzie, I love your blog and all the beautiful pictures of Grenada and the kids. Thanks for sharing, Carleen Bagnall

  2. I am so thrilled that your coach sent up uniforms...it brings such a burst of confidence for the students to put one on (compared to a tshirt and short pants). I was thinking...who is Carl?? Keep up the posts, woman!
