"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined." --Henry David Thoreau

"Service is the rent we pay for being, It is the very purpose of life and not something you do in your spare time."

--Marion Wright Edelman

"The fruit of love is SERVICE. The fruit of service is PEACE" --Mother Teresa

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Things I've Learned in the Last Year

I took the leap. We drove 2 hours to the airport: my mom, aunt kim and best friend. I was ready for the adventure but inside I was scared to death. I wouldn't dare show that to my family who were letting me chase my dreams while they stayed behind. I hugged them tight, told them I loved them and disappeared into the airplane tunnel. They didn't see me cry. I held it together, that is until I reached my seat on the plane and the water works started. I was leaving everything I had ever known, my best friends and the town that raised me up. I had no idea what was to come but I knew it was where my heart told me to go. For an entire year I held on to the dream of living in a new culture and changing the world while maybe learning a little about myself. And then I got the call from Peace Corps that would change my life forever.

I got on that plane ride one year ago today. It seems like forever ago, yet I remember it like it was just yesterday. So much has happened in the last year I couldn't begin to put it into words. I started reflecting on all the past blog posts to travel the journey again, trying to remind myself and the accomplishments I have under my belt already. But its not enough for me, my journey is not complete. I still have 13 months of service here in Grenada. I remember thinking I could never make it 27 months of service and now I'm here 12 months later. I did it. I feel energized for the next 13 months of service.

Things I've learned in the last 12 months:
  • It is ok to not know what you are doing. Swallow your pride and pretend like you do.
  • When times get tough, reflect on where you have been and where your eyes are set on going.
  • Support systems are mandatory for being a good volunteer. Thanks to all the friends, family and volunteers who have lent me a place to vent, cry and laugh during these tough times.
  • I am qualified, I must believe in myself to use those qualifications.
  • Do the best you can with what you are given.
  • Caribbean rum doesn't mess around.
  • Nature is what calms my nerves, energizes me for tomorrow and tells me things will be alright.
  • I'm alot stronger than I give myself credit for. 
  • Living alone has taught me more about myself than I ever thought possible.
  • I miss home and cant wait to return to Missouri. Its honestly where my heart will always be. 
  • Life is to short for many so we must learn to live it while its here. (RIP Alec and BJ)
  • America truly is the greatest country in the world. We should all feel so blessed. 
  • Life. Goes. On.
  • Being a vegetarian is fun!
  • Language is situational.
  • This is my personal journey and no one but myself can define it.
Cheers to the next 13 months of service. May it be more blessed than the last year and my we all continue to remember children are everyone's future, so invest in kids!!!!


  1. I felt so many of these emotions during my service. Somehow they are magnified since returing. Thanks for the reflection.
