Another great aspect of the counterpart-volunteer working relationship is the opportunity to ask questions and have intellectual conversations that you wouldn't otherwise be able to have with people here. I feel completely comfortable asking Lorice questions about cultural norms, working protocols and even how to cook breadfruit (I haven't mastered it yet). Today we got in a great conversation about the misperception of the Caribbean from other countries. I was explaining that many Americans vacation to the Caribbean so we have this perception that its this gorgeous island life with cocktails and little umbrellas on the beach. I'm guilty myself, having vacationed to Jamaica and the Grand Cayman islands, of not really seeing the truth of the island (ie: poverty, hunger, development issues, etc). While in Jamaica with my immediate and extended family I can remember climbing the most beautiful Dunns River Falls (which i recommend) and staying confined to this nice little touristy area. Little did I know people were starving and dying just miles away as I vacationed. Its something I am determined to not ever do again on a vacation. I want to see the truth of the places I visit as I think there is a beauty in itself of being exposed to such things.
Anyways...As Lorice and I were talking she said one of the most profoundly honest things I have heard here, she said "The interesting fact about the Caribbean is that our poverty is so picturesque". I wasn't sure how to respond to that or in fact what she exactly meant, but I could feel this deep amount of honesty about her statement. She went on to say that its hard for people not from the Caribbean to understand the fact that we have this beautiful scenery surrounding us but in truth, beauty doesn't feed our children, it doesn't clothe our people and it defiantly doesn't make us First World.
Just something to think about...